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CBD and Sleep

Jan 7

It would seem that cannabidiol (CBD) is becoming more popular. To put it simply, CBD has been on the rise in the health and medical fields for some time now. Nonetheless, in the last year or two, CBD, a natural, non-psychoactive ingredient of the cannabis plant, has been utilized to treat anything from anxiety and sleep difficulties to chronic pain and lack of mental concentration.


Since ancient times, people have been reaping the benefits of the cannabis plant both medically and recreationally. Cannabinoids, of which tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the most plentiful, are responsible for the plant's psychoactive effects (CBD).

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, often known as CBD, is one of the natural chemicals contained in cannabis plants that have received the greatest amount of research attention. Cannabinoids are a class of chemicals that may be found in cannabis. These compounds have gained a lot of attention and popularity in recent years because of the positive effects they have on human health, particularly in the treatment of illness and chronic pain. CBD is one kind of cannabinoid.


CBD, on the other hand, does not have any effects that are capable of changing one's state of mind, in contrast to THC, another well-known cannabinoid. On the other hand, CBD seems to be able to counteract the psychotropic effects of THC, which is the chemical molecule found in cannabis that is responsible for producing the "high" feeling associated with marijuana use.


Because of its anti-inflammatory, analgesic (also known as a pain reliever), and anxiety-reducing properties, cannabidiol, or CBD, has captured the attention of researchers and medical professionals for many years (an anxiety reducer). In addition, CBD may reduce the severity of seizures and has been shown to have strong neuroprotective benefits in animal studies.

The Role of CBD in Treating Sleep Disorders.

There hasn't been a huge amount of in-depth study on how CBD affects sleep issues yet. One benefit of CBD for chronic pain is improved sleep. At this time, it is unknown if the pain relief is a result of the CBD itself or whether the two are just coincidental.


A number of other preliminary research on CBD and sleep disturbances have shown promising results. Some people may not be able to take advantage of CBD's sedative effects, and various amounts may provide varying results. Recent studies have shown that CBD might have opposing effects on activity depending on the amount. Variations in CBD delivery and dosage may potentially account for some of the observed differences in user experiences. Our knowledge of CBD as a treatment for sleep problems has to be expanded via further study.

Anxiety and CBD

Anxiety, although not a sleep disorder in and of itself, may aggravate existing sleep problems or cause new ones to emerge. Seeing that CBD has been shown in preliminary studies to have a calming effect on the nervous system, it may be useful in treating anxiety disorders. Eighty percent of people in a study who took CBD for their anxiety reported feeling better after a month. Over 65% of people reported an immediate improvement in their sleep quality.

Insomnia and CBD

Patients with insomnia have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep. Daytime alertness, concentration, and disposition are all negatively impacted by this condition. Anxiety oversleeping poorly, brought on by a history of insomnia, might make it much harder to fall asleep.


Given the promising results that cannabidiol (CBD) has shown in treating anxiety, it has been hypothesized that CBD may also aid in reducing the anxiety that accompanies sleeplessness. In addition, researchers are also conducting a pilot study on the effects of CBD and THC in people who have been diagnosed with sleeplessness. The study's findings will shed light on the relationship between CBD and sleeplessness.

CBD and REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

Patients with REM sleep behavior disorder may yell or act violently when in the REM sleep cycle. Patients over the age of 65 who suffer from neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease are disproportionately affected by this condition.


Four individuals with Parkinson's disease were included in a small trial that found CBD to be effective in treating their REM sleep behavior disorder symptoms. Patients used CBD when they were experiencing disorder symptoms twice weekly to seven times weekly. A week after starting CBD, the symptoms happened from zero to once. These initial reports show that CBD may be useful in treating REM sleep behavior disorder; however, further research is needed to confirm this.

CBD and Chronic Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

The inability to remain alert throughout the day is a major problem for those who suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness condition. CBD has shown promise as a possible aid in facilitating early morning awakenings and maintaining alertness throughout the day. Early studies in animals indicate that CBD acts as a wake-inducing medication. However, other research suggests that CBD also acts as a sedative. More studies are required to discover the optimal CBD dosage and administration strategy for maximizing alertness and minimizing sleepiness.


Side effects and other risks of CBD

In general, the research that is currently available shows that CBD is well tolerated.

Using CBD has been linked by some users to feelings of mental drowsiness and exhaustion, although experts think that this may be due to the dose rather than the substance itself.

In a large retrospective investigation, giving subjects CBD in doses ranging from 10–400 mg trusted source per day over an extended period of time and using a variety of delivery systems did not produce any harmful effects. According to the findings of other studies, the drug was well tolerated at doses as high as 1,500 milligrams used daily.


However, further research is required before we can determine whether or not there are any long-term dangers associated with CBD consumption. There have not been any cases of fatal CBD overdoses up to this point. Trusted Source. There is a possibility that some researchers are worried about CBD misuse; nonetheless, there is a lack of evidence about severe consequences. According to the findings of one research, patients with schizophrenia may experience a worsening of their cognitive problems when given doses of CBD that range from 400 mg to 700 mg, which are regarded to be high. However, there is some evidence that combining CBD and THC may enhance cognitive function.

CBD may cause other adverse effects

  • Modifications in the vitality of cells, as shown in research carried out in cell cultures.

  • A reduction in the ability for fertilizing

  • Hepatic drug metabolism inhibition (also known as "liver drug interaction")

  • A reduction in the activity of P-glycoprotein as well as other drug transporters

  • CBD may cause drug interactions if it is found to affect how drugs are metabolized and transported.

  • CBD may be useful for some people, but before trying it, it's best to see a doctor.

When to see a doctor

Anyone who has problems falling or staying asleep should see a medical professional rather than trying to self-medicate the problem. A person might be going through the following:


  • Issues with Sleeping

  • Difficulty remaining asleep

  • Low quality of sleep


However, a doctor may offer behavioral therapy, medicine, or a mix of the two as treatment options depending on the specific sort of problem sleeping that is being experienced.

Talking to a medical professional is recommended for anybody who is concerned that they may be using an excessive amount of sleep aids or who is experiencing unwanted effects from a sedative.


Changes in lifestyle, sometimes in conjunction with medication, are frequently prescribed by physicians for patients' lack of sleep. Some individuals use CBD to treat sleeplessness on their own. The use of CBD seems to be harmless, yet studies on its effects, especially in the long term, are few. Doctors have mixed opinions on whether or not CBD aids sleep, although there are some data that indicate it might increase sleep time.

More research is necessary to determine the ideal dosage and method of administration of CBD for promoting restful sleep.